One Day You'll Thank Me
One Day You'll Thank Me
143: Guest Expert - Melissa Sams - How a Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Can Help in a Custody Case
Dr. Tara Egan - host
Melissa Sams - guest expert
The role of a guardian ad litem (GAL) can be extremely important in child custody cases. They can serve as a voice for the child, advocating for their best interests and ensuring that they are protected throughout the legal process.
What exactly is the role of a Guardian Ad Litem though? Who can be one? Who would need one? On this episode, Tara welcomes Melissa Sams, Attorney at Law in Winston-Salem to discuss this topic and provide some practical advice for parents.
Melissa embarked on her journey into the legal field in 2001 and in April 2007, she founded Sams Law Firm, PC. Her firm quickly gained recognition for its exceptional service, earning accolades as one of the top law firms in the southern triad. Her areas of practice include collaborative law, parenting coordination, Guardian Ad Litem services, mediation, and special proceedings. Her holistic approach to legal matters ensures that the families she works with receive comprehensive support during difficult times.
Tune in to learn:
What’s the purpose of a GAL?
How is it different from a PC (or a therapist)?
What kind of recommendations can be made by this person?
How can they be helpful?
How might they be less helpful?
To learn more about Melissa Sams and her services: https://www.samslegal.com
For more information about Dr. Egan's services:
Website -Dr. Tara Egan's child & adolescent therapy services, books, webinars, public speaking opportunities, and counseling/consultation services, Go HERE.
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Edited by Christian Fox